
Joe and 22 find themselves on a hospital bed back in New York. This is the return to the real world after having spent some time in the soul world, so the intention was to go for maximum contrast. In opposition to the very soft blues and magentas, I played with "earthly" tones throughout (pun intended). The edges are sharp and there is quite a bit of high contrast.

I was mostly concerned with the way 22 was feeling at this moment, since this is the first time she/he's ever experienced reality. I wanted things to feel disorienting, harsh and very uncomfortable. The city outside is blindingly bright and painful to look at, there are plenty of metallic and glass instruments, as well as beeping machines that create visual noise and don't allow you to focus. I purposely tried to put high frequency of details and high contrast throughout each frame, maybe at the expense of simplicity and readability but I thought it would help feeling disoriented!

